Monday, February 29, 2016

Hot Seat Mondays!

Darling readers, welcome to another resonating episode of Hotseat Mondays.Today on the smoking hot seat is a beauty goddess, a model, a sports girl,a writer , a singer.In short, she's a lady of many parts. She's no other than Veecee aka Lailasblog baby.

I must confess,what you're about to read will tickle your interest.Its a little bit long but its so worth it.

Wear your mental seat belts as we drive through the pages of Veecee's life.

TILB: Welcome to hot seat Mondays dearie!

Veecee: Thanks for having me,I'm really excited...Smiles

TILB: I must say, you're one Lailan I've been keen to explore!

Veecee: Wow! I can't wait to be explored,Lol...Thanks for the compliment though

TILB: So let's roll...Can we meet you?

Veecee: Ok.I'm Vera Chiamaka Obiajulu 'Vee Cee'.I'm the fourth born in a family of five children..Studying Industrial Chemistry 300L in Imo state university. I'm a dancer,model,writer and singer.I'm currently the Face of southeast,Nigeria. I love kids to bits and I'm a movie freak

TILB: Wow! You're a book of many pages & i'm impressed. This multi talented model is from which state biko?

Veecee: Lol,I'm from Orsu local government area in Imo state.But I was born in Enugu state

TILB: Owerri I've been to. But Orsu, I hope you'll take me there someday Lol

Veecee: Haha,sure! Just let me know whenever you're ready,its a nice place,I'm sure you'll love it😄

TILB: Yea I'm sure.You said you are a movie freak, can you share with Lailans your 3best movies ?

Veecee: 3 best movies for now(in no particular order) are- Empire, How To Get Away With Murder' and 'The 100'...I love other movies but these ones are my best 3(For now though)

TILB: Oh My! I luv those too.So let's cruise down to your childhood days.What's the fondest thing you can remember while growing up?

Veecee: Well,I have lots of fun childhood memories...I was a bit pampered because i'm d last girl and I was actually d last born for seven years,before God blessed us with a boy,so I got all the love and attention I needed...I was very sporty in my primary and secondary school and I was always the star in every inter-house sports competitions,Lol

My parents love sports to bits so,they love me because I'm involved in it...I'll never forget the smile on their faces each time I came back home with buckets and certificates of d events,its glorious.

I was also super brainy and was always at d top of my class...and my parents are always there to take pictures with me during d graduation ceremonies
Whew! I can go on and on but I have to stop here,Lol

TILB: Wow who would have thought this full blown beauty once had a bone for sports.Nice one Miss Jack of all trade & master of all lol

Veecee: Lol,thanks dear...actually,deep down,there's a tom boy in me *covers face*

TILB: Okay let's come to your modelling career. How did it all start? What/who inspired you?

Veecee: Well,it all began with my love for fashion...there's something about fashion that is fascinating,its like watching your favourite movie and enjoying a cone of ice stone in a cinema...modelling to me is not only about wearing different designs of clothes or going for pageants,its about seeing people's faces light up when you come out wearing a beautiful design made by someone's sweat and blood,that appreciation alone is a heavenly feeling...

I also believe I can touch lives positively with my modelling career because its a platform where I can reach out to people,because beauty queens are supposed to be role models and voice to the voiceless...
So,my modelling career started with my love for affecting people's lives positively and of course my love for prints and colours

TILB: Interesting! So are there some Nigerian models you look up to or you're just the solo type?

Veecee: Well,I believe people are different and we all don't see things the same way...I respect the likes of Agbani Darego and of course,Oluchi Orlandi,they helped in creating awareness to the Nigerian modelling industry and its recognition internationally

TILB: What do you think about when you're alone in your room?

Veecee: Now,that's deep... Well,I think about a better Nigeria and the world at large...where there's peace and unity,equality amongst all,a world without racism and discrimination,a world where there won't be cases of child abuse and molestation...I know it would be hard but I pray we'll get there.

I also think about my future and all the projects I would like to embark on,like 'women empowerment', 'education awareness' and so many other goals I want to achieve .I  have d best family and friends in the whole world and,I always think of ways to make them happy cos they make my world go round😄

TILB: A post was made on Saturday by a lailan with the title "Bring Back our Corruption". As a Nigerian, do you agree with this Lailan or you have a different view?

Veecee: Well,I don't know if it was supposed to be funny or not,but these issues are serious...I don't really like politics but Nigeria is my country and I need to have an opinion...people seem to forget that we're talking about 'change' here and its not something that happens with d snap of a finger...

I know prices of things are going up,but these are things we need to pass through in other to get to that point we so long for...What we need is patience and I believe we'll get there...initially,I was not really a fan of d new government(without any reason),but I'll give them a chance,and keep praying for Nigeria...and please,I don't need the corruption

TILB: On a lighter note,if you could read minds, whose would you like to read?

Veecee: Currently,Bonita Bislam! I would like to know what smart things are going on in that mind.Sometimes I read her comments and I'm like 'how did she come up with this?' Lol...I have a crazy way of thinking and when I see someone that is crazier,I become bewildered,Lol
I would also love to read the mind of 'How to get away with murder' writer,that woman is a genius!

TILB: Jeez! I didn't see this coming. Smiles...So tell us,which is your favourite body part & why?

Veecee: Well,I would say my tummy, because its flat and brings out my shape,and don't get me started with complements I get always because of it *winks*

TILB: Choi Lailan guys mustn't let you go oh , or are you currently in a relationship?

Veecee: Nah,I'm not .But i'm in a relationship,with my studies and other stuffs I'm engaged in.I can hardly keep up with myself,Lol.But if there's someone out there who can take me the way i am, & is understanding and has a good sense of humour,I'll gladly fly away with d person lol.

TILB: Ahan so guys its official, she's up for grabs. Hook her asap! Lol
So finally dear, what does Lailasblog mean to you & which 3 Lailans would you probably take on an outer space fantasy dinner?

Veecee: Lailasblog is a feeling,an experience and a journey...Lailasblog is a family that I'm happy to be a part of. Stumbling on Lailasblog changed my life in ways nobody would understand and I pray God would bless Mrs. Laila for this wonderful platform and of course,all Lailans for being the best!

This is hard because I would love to go with everyone on Laila's blog...but I would say- South eastern (for moral support and a father-figure),Austin Uche (we all need an intelligent gentleman around),and of course,Bonita Bislam(she's an overall package) would be a memorable fantasy dinner

TILB: And out of these 3 names, we all know SE is married.Bonita is a lady.Austin? *coughs* Guys are you seeing this? Lol

Anyways its nice having you on the hotseat dear.

Veecee: Lmaooooo!Thanks for having me,I really appreciate the honour

TILB: Vivien Ada would be thrilled to read this.Lol

Veecee: Hahahahahahahahahaha.I didn't do anything o,hmmmm!My hands are clean o

And this brings us to the end of HSM today.You know the tradition guys, ask  her  questions on the comment section and Yours truly would be there to answer them.Until we come your way next week,always remember that every Lailan is a celebrity.


Read more -

from Nigerian: Breaking News In Nigeria | Laila's Blog

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