Thursday, November 5, 2015

Sponsoring a Girlfriend in School Without Marriage !!! Love or Madness?

Mr. Ekene Uzoigwu wore a sparkling white suit as he stepped into St Patrick Catholic Church, Umuchu in Aguata Local government, Anambra State, In tow was his best-man and the men on suit. The date was January 3rd 2015. The guests, choir and the officiating priests were already seated. After 2 hours of waiting for the bride Miss Ifunanya Igwebuike to show up to tie the knot with Ekene Uzoigwe. The brides phones were switched off and envoys sent to her home confirmed that she locked herself up and refused to speak or open the door for any one. After several hours of waiting, she sent a message to the Parish Priest, Rev. Father Lawrence Maduagwu, stating categorically that she was no longer interested in marrying Mr Ekene Uzoigwe and asked him to cancel the wedding. The grooms crime was that he was not educated even though she admitted that the same uneducated man saw her through school. (Read More)

Few days ago, the shocking news of a ditched boyfriend shooting his ex for refusing his proposal after sponsoring her education broke online. The said girl was about to get married to another man who she met and fell in love with. The ugly incident happened at Owerri.

These incidents bring to heart, the question of fairness, charity, loyalty, trust, investment and liabilities and ultimately love. The trend where some men sponsor a lady's education not because they can afford the luxury of charity and favors but because they believe that they are investing in their future family is quite common and atimes such men even undertake the general upkeep of the lady''s family in the hopes or agreement that marriage would happen sometime in the future.

Are these men in love or mad?

These are the thoughts of blog readers, the very sexy Lydia Chidiebere Idam and super cool Benson Olasunkanmi:

Lydia has this to say:

"It's a pedophile that loves an under eighteen year old woman. You're no Saint for even claiming you've been with her and sponsored all her education. She's just 22.
No woman owes you anything until they owe you. If you didn't wife anyone they are not your wife. If you didn't perform any marital rite to wife her she's not your wife and everything you did for her shares the same meaning with the regular word we use- FAVOR. You're a control freak and she possibly saw that and turned you down sharply.
I hope the law avenges her death and the killer remains perpetually behind bars.
Dating isn't the same as engagement. Not all relationships end with marriage. If it has fulfilled it's purpose there's nothing more to demand of it. Period!!!"

Benson has this to say:

"That man is a learner. No sane man spends monies on women like that these days. Women are often thoughtless, heartless and most times they think with their vaginas more than their heads. I will not blame my fellow man for believing and trusting a fellow human being but a common adage says that what ever you do for a woman who you are not married to is a waste. When you do a fellow man a favor, he never forgets but women are often shallow minded and can do anything once they see some one else who spins more than you do. They believe that they owe you nothing as long as they sleep with you. They believe that they have paid you back with sex. Thats the biological inbuilt harlotry spirit in them. God open business center for them with their toto so they continue perambulating until they meet the highest bidder and marry him. Brother, its a pity that you fell mugu and now you will spend the rest of your life in jail too. Women are toxic if you do not sit tight around them. This is how you allowed this one to ruin you forever. hope men would learn from this and treat those thoughtless daughters of Jezebels the way they deserve. There are still some good women though but this generation is doomed because the majority of women I see these day even married ones makes my heart bleed. This one is even honest with you, Some will still even marry you and be sleeping with all your kindred behind your back."

This is a very sad situation.
Considering the realities on ground. who exactly is to blame. the man who invested blindly without commitment or the woman who decided to follow her heart?
Is sponsoring a girlfriend in school while hoping or agreeing to marry her later an act of love or plain madness?

from Nigerian: Breaking News In Nigeria | Laila's Blog

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