Tuesday, November 3, 2015

(Photos) This Story About A Stray Dog And A Newborn By Brought Tears To My Eyes

The world is full of cruelty but in the midst of that cruelty, we find love and hope in the most unlikely places.

This stray dog rescued a new born baby from certain death. He carried the baby in his mouth through the streets until it was rescued.

Stray dog rescues new born baby in omar 

The absolutely unbelievable incident took place in Kharbika, Oman, as a man was riding his bike on Saturday morning, October 31, the man noticed a stray dog walking on the road with something in his mouth. He noticed blood drops on the road and went closer to the dog to take a closer look, and when he did, he couldn’t believe what he saw.

According to the man, the dog was holding a newborn baby boy in his mouth; the baby – a couple of hours old – even had his umbilical cord still attached! As people gathered around the scene, the dog didn’t do anything to prevent them taking the child from him, it was as if he was delivering the baby to them.
As online pet site Urdogs.com reports, the dog was wandering near a hospital ( maybe he was trying to find it? ), and so the child was transferred to the emergency room quickly and there, the doctors couldn’t believe their eyes, the child was not hurt, even though the dog must have been holding him like that for God knows how long.

 Miraculously, the child is absolutely fine!

 The authorities in Oman have opened an investigation and is trying to figure out what happened. The police had checked all the hospitals’ records as they suspected the dog could’ve grabbed the baby from there, but all the mothers had their babies and no one was missing.
However, witnesses in the hospitals have told the police that a girl came earlier to the emergency room but refused to let the doctor check her if he was going to record it, and she fled the hospital. The police fear that this girl might be the mother of the child, and that she gave birth to the child and threw him somewhere where people couldn’t find him, but this dog did, and somehow he knew where to head to save this baby.

Truly, an angel of mercy came in the guise of a dog. If an animal who is supposed to be a lower life form can do this, what about us, human beings?


from Nigerian: Breaking News In Nigeria | Laila's Blog http://ift.tt/20qRmKb

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